James was shaking like a Leafeon as she licked her lips and eyed his erection.
#Pokemon livejournal full#
Soon his prick came to full attention before her hard gaze. Lovely whip kisses that made sweet red welts all over that pale, slender body delighted her, as did his incoherent pleading. Jessie smiled at his pretty sobs and began her efforts in earnest. He pleaded incoherently as tears began to flow. It's time for another fic for a twenty-year-old fandom I hadn't really registered until just now, but, between Utena, Final Fantasy VIII and Full Moon wo Sagashite, I've written for a surprising number of twenty-year-old fandoms over the past three months.

But you're a naughty Rocketboy, and we're just going to make absolutely certain you keep your promise." She snapped the whip again, and this time it struck his thigh with perfect accuracy.
#Pokemon livejournal cracked#
Jessie chuckled menacingly and cracked her whip a scant inch from his navel. "I'm sorry, Jessie! I told you I'm sorry. But for the most part, we pick 4 moves and duke it out in attempt to outlast our opponents. The addition of new moves, abilities, held items, have certainly shaken things up.

The battle system hasnt changed too drastically over the years.
#Pokemon livejournal how to#
"You've had some time to think about your crime, and I've gotten into the right gear for punishing you properly. Seasoned veterans of the Pokemon World know how to battle. "Much better." She ran the length of her small whip through her fingers. The door burst open as in Jessie strode, a sight of awe and terror in a black leather corset and thigh-high boots with spiked heels. He heard her clacking step coming down the hall. Jessie'd discovered his secret, and now he would pay. It was too late to escape, too late to call Meowth back, too late for mercy. If you would like to play, please read the rules and then add a comment with the requested information. All of the common pokemon are here, and a few of the legendary pokemon may be lurking about. His hoarse whimper became more self-pitying by the second. Here you will assume the role of a new pokemon trainer traveling through a new region of the pokemon world. He'd gotten a kick in the shin for that, then the grouchy Pokémon had left him all alone. Well, it wasn't his fault he wasn't well endowed! And it was horrid to be stared at like that! But maybe it was a bad idea to have pointed out that Meowth's weenie was even teenier. Instead, he was standing on the tips of his toes in pain, and all the stupid talking beast did was ridicule him for his lack of muscle tone and small dick. So what if he was short, he could get something to stand on and reach easily to the rope that hung from the ceiling and tied his arms high overhead. His wrists ached abominably, and he'd yelled himself hoarse without a bit pity from that insufferable Meowth. James whined pitifully, a wordless high mewl. Summary: James has been a bad, bad Rocketboy. Chars/Pairs: Jessie/James (Rocketshipping! It has a name! Wheeee!)