Gedit github
Gedit github

gedit github

You can navigate through a fugitive tree buffer just like you would using Vim’s native file explorer (or the NERD tree). When fugitive creates a buffer representing a tree object, you can press the a key to toggle between the git show and git ls-tree views.

#Gedit github code#

But you can get more information in the shell by running git ls-tree SHA - this includes the SHA code for every object referenced by that tree. Again, this looks just like what you see when you run git show SHA in the shell. If you run :Gedit SHA, passing the id for a tree object, then fugitive will open a buffer containing a textual representation of that tree. press on a diff summary line to diff the specified file before and after that on a reference to a tree to open that on a reference to a parent to open that commit object.Depending on where your cursor is positioned, pressing the key can open a new buffer containing another git object. This looks just like the what you see when you run git show SHA in the shell, but fugitive makes the buffer interactive in a number of ways. If you run :Gedit SHA, passing in the id for a commit object, then fugitive will open a buffer containing a textual representation of that commit. This could be a blob, tree, commit or tag. When you run :Gedit SHA it will open a buffer containing a textual representation of the corresponding git object. tags - refer to a particular commit by nameĮvery git object is identified by a SHA code.commits - can reference a tree and one or more parent commits.trees - correspond to a directory on the filesystem, representing a list of blobs and trees.

gedit github

  • blobs - correspond to the content of a file.
  • The :Gedit command allows you to open a buffer containing any git object. So if you wanted to open the current file on a branch called ‘feature’, you could do so by running :Gedit feature:%. Remember that the % symbol has special meaning on Vim’s command line: it is a shorthand for the current file’s path. Note that you can use the tab key to auto-complete both the branchname and the filepath. You can do this using the :Gedit command followed by an argument of the form: branchname:path/to/file. Fugitive makes it possible to open a read only buffer with the contents of any file, on any local git branch.

    Gedit github